Thursday, April 3, 2008

Disneyland With Anime Geeks


Why it seems like only yesterday... well, it was just yesterday. We went to Disneyland. Nothing new there. It was alot of fun. Again, nothing new. But there was something rather unique about this trip. Something that screamed out "we're geeks, and we really don't care." I guess I should start from the begginning, as all great epics are prone to do. Unless your Star Wars, in which case you should stick to the middle.

Me and Rebecca-sama (her nickname, as given by me) were planning out a Disneyland day, since we hadn't gone in a couple months. So we decided to go on Wednesday, since that was the only day we could go together. I have school and other responsibilites to attend to, so Disneyland is always a bit of a treat for me. It's a place where I'm allowed to indulge that child inside of me and just have fun with the idea of roaming around a fantasy world for a day.

I don't think anybody else realises it but... Disneyland is much more then just a place to hang out for me. It almost has a sort of spirtual quality, you know? I had been visiting Disneyland ever since I was a little kid, and I still get that feeling of child-like glee almost everytime I step into those gates and see Mickey Mouse smiling at me. It is an amazing place.

I'm not going to type on and on about what rides we went on and all of the random conversations we had, because honestly, that would take up way more time then I'm willing to lend while blogging. We had fun, and that's all that matters. Constance Black Widow Bride,Wedding Cake,Constance,headless husband
The new Bride Scene in the Haunted Mansion is much cooler then the old one. xD Not that this is anything new to reprot, since the update has been in effect for about two years now. It's just so cool!

But the one thing that I found very amusing about this particular trip is that we ran into these three girls. More like young women actually. Two of them were in their twenties, and the other was fourteen. Guess what? One of them had a Naruto headband on.

I don't claim to be the biggest Naruto geek in the world, but we started talking with this group of girls, and something very magical happened. Our group got bigger. xD It was too freakin' funny. We had two girls with cat ears on, and you had the rest of our "usual group" just watching the two of em' give each other 'Tail Checks'. There were lots of intresting conversations that ensued from this temporary melding of groups, including me letting out my fan-boy side infront of the opposite sex (it's an amazing thing). I did the Hare Hare Yukai, I did the Lucky Star dance, I did... alot of really really geeky things. It's comforting to know that there are older anime geeks out there who still have that fiery sort of passion. Geeks rule.

Our two groups didn't hang out for too long, but it was fun while it lasted. The rest of the day was pretty much spent doing the usual Disneyland stuff. You know... going on rides... eating at nasty resturants... wishing the fries weren't so damn-luke-fraking-cold... and doing the Hare Hare Yukai. I seem to be the only person who does that everytime I go to Disneyland though. :( People need to learn the dance!

We should all learn the dance.


The Random One said...

We should go to Disneyland sometime.

I'm sending out your package of goodies tomorrow I think.

GottaLoveBreath said...

Yay! *bows* Am looking forward to seeing Chibi Jesus.

Anime Onnanoko said...

I want to learn that dance! i'm working on the series now...